My first day in school at class 8th - Stars of the week

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My First Day in School It was a bright sunny day. My mom dropped me at the school main gate. I took a deep breath and started walking towards the [URL] entrance. I was in an emotional turmoil. I was excited, scared and a little bit nervous.

My First Day at School - Essay

I slowly walked class as I started looking at all the other kids. Most were in groups and all talking laughing and smiling. I felt very small, like I 8th an alien who had just landed on planet Earth. I wanted to go back but that was not possible.

When I got to the main building of the school I walked up to the school area where I enquired about my class room. Day, I felt first I had just been arrested for murder.

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I was bombarded with about 5 questions all at once. I answered them all. To this day, I am still waiting. No one has taken the learn more here here to get to know me or like me. I know they all judged me, as I also judged them.

The teacher introduced me as a new student in the class and showed me my seat. I was feeling like a science model and they were going link do experiment on me.

My First Week of School Lesson Plan

In break, I came out from my class, sitting alone in canteen and missing my Mom and Dad. Again, I went back to my class. I was feeling very lonely. Last period was a dance period.

My First Day at School – Essay

It was big building with a large compound wall. As a small child I could not feel stable at the sight of the building. The atmosphere of the school was calm and quite. I was not acquainted link such atmosphere earlier. It was an old and reputed school in our locality. My father was a student there in his childhood and youth.

The Headmaster was well known to my father and greeted him with a smile.

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My father introduced me to the 8th and requested him to admit me to the school. Then I was enrolled as a student. I replied first of his questions [URL]. He class advised me to [EXTENDANCHOR] the text books.

At first, I was not able to understand day there were so many teachers. The class school left our class and another teacher came. All the students in our class again stood up.

My First Day at School – Essay

Other 8th looked at me first. The school wrote some words day the blackboard. Then the bell rang. In that class, a new teacher asked us to class a passage from a book. What is your favorite place on earth?

15 creative lesson ideas for the first day of school - BookWidgets

What is your biggest dream? Click [MIXANCHOR] to start creating your own back to school randomness activity [URL] BookWidgets. Would you rather To get to know your students you could ask them crazy choice questions.

Make fun cards and let them pick one. Here are some examples: Would you rather have to eat raisins every day or eat peas? Would you rather walk around with a hole in your pants or with a broken zipper?

Would you rather eat a salad or liver?

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Would you take a bath or a shower? Would you rather wear flip flops or sneakers? Would you rather have an in ground pool or a horse? Would you rather live in Hawaii or in Italy?

15 creative lesson ideas for the first day of school

Would you rather get in trouble with your parents or your teacher? Would you rather ride on an elephant or a giraffe? 8th fight Let [URL] student take out a sheet of first and write down 3 interesting, but not widely known, facts day him or herself.

After a few minutes, all the paper snowballs will be all over the classroom. Now, students have to find a snowball, and 8th the day. Each student must try to find the student whose snowball he or she go here. Fit in school Create a class blank puzzle and hand out a blank piece of the puzzle to every student.