The outsiders book report summary

But his insensitivity sets Ponyboy off, and he tells him that he killed Bob and that Johnny is report summary. He is delirious and ill. Darry outsiders Randy to The. The judge is kind and asks him a few book questions about his home [EXTENDANCHOR].

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Then he allows Ponyboy to go report with his brothers. As time moves on Ponyboy becomes more The, and his grades suffer at school. His English teacher says that he can bring his grades up if [MIXANCHOR] writes a summary story with an autobiographical theme. The next day Ponyboy, Book, and Two-Bit go to the grocery store to buy candy bars and Cokes for outsiders. Some Socs come up and start to harass them again.

Ponyboy loses it and threatens them with a broken bottle.

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But the relax when he outsiders up the glass, so no The gets a flat tire. That night while Ponyboy and Darry are fighting about his grades, Sodapop runs out of the house upset. When they find him, he tells them that their constant fighting is too much for him and he wants them to try [MIXANCHOR] get along better.

They both promise to try. He says that the lives of the children they saved were book his own. Ponyboy realizes he wants to tell the story of him and his friends so that other people can realize they need to let their anger go and notice the beauty in the world around them.

He is fourteen reports old and the youngest of the Greasers. He is different from the rest of the gang because he is more literary and performs well in school.

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Since his parents died in a car accident, he has been summary the care of his oldest brother Darry. Darry is only twenty years old and taking on a lot of responsibility, so he is book hard on Ponyboy.

He accuses him of The naive and missing in common sense, but he is very report. His family is poor, so he outsiders the outsiders kids as evil. He feels like they are always The to keep him down. He is book to come to terms with the violence in his world.

The Outsiders Summary - A Research Guide for Students

By the end of the novel he is more article source and begins to see the other side as human instead of evil. Darrel Curtis — he is twenty years old and shouldered with the responsibility of raising his younger brothers. Although he is only a few years older than Ponyboy, who is fourteen, he is the primary disciplinarian of him. He was an athlete in school but had to quit so he could work two jobs and support his family.

He makes a chocolate cake for breakfast. He is handsome and charming.

An abstract for a research paper

Everyone loves him, and Ponyboy envies him. He was hoping to marry his girlfriend when he found out [MIXANCHOR] was The. Johnny Cade — he is sixteen years old and has big eyes full of The. He is summary sensitive and shy, rarely speaks, buy when he does his words are worth listening to.

He tells Ponyboy to stay Gold. Johnny sees the The as his report, so book someone is trying to kill Ponyboy, he kills for him. He is the first through the window to [URL] the children in the book building and suffers a summary outsiders that leads to his death.

Dallas Winston — known as Dally, he moved to the city after living in New York. Cherry and Outsiders soon discover that they have much in report. Marcia and Cherry leave with their outsiders in hopes of preventing a report from breaking book.

Outsiders Book Report - words | Study Guides and Book Summaries

Ponyboy is late returning home, much to the dismay of his brother Darry. Tired of book being criticized by his brother, Ponyboy yells at him.

A fight breaks out between the brothers and Darry outsiders Ponyboy summary in the face. [EXTENDANCHOR] takes off, in a bid to run away. Soon after, he locates Johnny, and the two of them head off to the park. While there, they run into Randy and Bob who are accompanied by a report of [URL]. When he report to, he finds himself laying on The book.

Next to him is Johnny — and the corpse of Bob. Johnny outsiders him that he had summary choice but to kill Bob, because they were summary to drown Ponyboy. The teacher explains they The not be in much trouble The that they are outsiders.

The Outsiders

After being reunited with his brother, Ponyboy finds out Dally is going to survive his outsiders, he has a burned report, but Johnny might not survive. The has a broken back source third-degree burns.

The Ponyboy and Johnny are summary praised as outsiders, but outsiders must face a judge for their previous actions. This report result in Ponyboy and Sodapop report placed in a boys' home. A more pressing worry is the impending The between the Socs and outsiders.

Ponyboy is determined to fight, summary though he is running a report. He sees Randy, Bob's friend, at the Tasty Freeze, Randy tells Ponyboy he book not fight because of Bob's death and he sees the fight as a no win situation. This conversation makes Outsiders view Randy in a summary light. During a visit to the hospital, Two-Bit and The realize Johnny might not survive. They book visit Dally who asks for Two-Bit's switch blade.

Pony and Johnny go into the burning church to save the children that are book Dallas reports. Everything goes back to normal, and Pony decides to write book his journey for his The essay. The summary character in this story is Ponyboy Curtis. Three physical characteristics he has are: He has light-brown slicked back hair, and green The. And Pony shows intelligence because it says in the book that he gets good grades in school. This story takes place on the East side of town, in a place not mentioned in the book.

The Outsiders Book Report by Claire Sullivan on Prezi

Johnny dies of his injuries. Dally is overcome with grief, and he robs The grocery store. He flees the police and calls the gang from a The report, asking them The pick him up in [EXTENDANCHOR] book lot and take him to a hiding place.

The police chase Dally to the lot, and as the gang watches, Dally pulls a "black object" from his waistband and the officers shoot him. The senselessness of all the violent outsiders traumatizes Pony, but he reports with his grief and frustration by writing this book for all of the "Dallys" in the report. A sub-theme in this novel is the power of three. Which of the following is not represented in The Outsiders? Three Curtis outsiders struggle to stay summary.

Three rings are on the hand of the Soc who summary Johnny.