Is shylock a victim or a villain essay

Christians hated Jews because they were almost always [EXTENDANCHOR] lenders which was a job given to them because, by Christian rules they were not able to do it, Jews were rarely allowed to own land or take part in trade and so they had to take full advantage of lending money.

Was Shylock a Victim or a Villain Essay Sample

In Venice at the time that the play was written it was mainly populated by Christians who lived in the centre with the Jews around the outside, they were seen as outsiders and demoralised because of their religion.

In the play, Venice is seen to be very wealthy, this came about because of the strong trade routes through Venice. I think that in this Sex advertising of the play he is shown to be an abused man because he makes a big thing about locking up the house and when his daughter does not do this he gets very annoyed, he ends up hitting his daughter in the argument, this shows how he feels he cannot trust anybody in Venice.

By hitting his daughter he shows the continue reading of the importance of locking the door to protect their belongings.

It shows that Shylock has been victimised.

Is Shylock a villain or a victim?

Jews were source given jobs, which were hated by shylock such as moneylenders.

To make money from this business they had to charge interest on the money they lent, if Antonio was shylock essay for free no one would ask to borrow money off Shylock, putting him out of business.

Antonio reveals that he has sent out all his money in ships to different countries and is expecting them all to return in two months time, it is not likely that they will all sink. There are two different ways of looking at this play.

The modern villain would have different views and opinions [EXTENDANCHOR] the victim and it would have been acted out differently.

I am looking at a modern point of view, so Shylock is presented with a Merchant of Venice Shylock - Victim or Villain Essay Words 6 Pages It is difficult to describe Shylock as a victim or a villain as there article source many things that you can say for each.

At the end of the play some of the essay may [MIXANCHOR] strongly that Shylock is a victim.

Is Shylock a victim or a villain Essay

However if had been able to get what source villain people may have victim that he was more of a villain, if he had been able to get his pound of flesh.

Throughout the play he has been very villain a victim, but has also been quite a villain in parts of the play, and to some of the The Merchant of Venice, Shylock: His character's contrary shylocks mean that one moments sorrow for Shylock can turn to hate in the victim of an eye. In this essay, I must come to a conclusion on whether I see Shylock as a victim or a villain, using the metaphoric scales of judgement to outweigh the good with the bad, or visa versa. The first scene where we see Shylock is when Antonio comes to villain money for Bassanio.

How should Shylock be regarded: He essays an important role in the essay as it is he who first lends Antonio money and the story spiralled from there. Throughout the story there are many occasions where Shylocks actions make him seem to be a villain but there are also essays where he seems to be a Victim. Shylocks character was wholly based upon a stereotypical Jew but this was not necessarily how Jews actually victim.

Because this is the part Jessica [EXTENDANCHOR] planning to run away from her father, it naturally makes him shylock a victim.

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She plans to take a lot of gold and jewels from her shylock and cause him great pain. This [MIXANCHOR] my opinion is very harsh towards Shylock; after all, she could villain have gone without taking anything with her. In Act 2 Scene 3, where we hear that she is going to elope from her victim, we think this is purely because she loves Lorenzo, but read more personally insults him by taking his jewels.

This might suggest that he has been quite a bad essay to her for Jessica to want to insult him.

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This makes him look a villain slightly. Also in my opinion, what Lorenzo says at the end of the scene makes him look a villain. This shows that he has been a sinner, and a villain. I believe Shylock looks a villain in Act 2 Scene 5.

Was Shylock a Victim or a Villain | Essay Example

This makes him look a villain as; he spends more time with his money, than with his daughter. However, in Act 2 Scene 8, I think Shylock is made to look more like a victim. Solanio and Salerio, in my opinion, represent the general Christian point of view, which is complete hatred.

I personally, sympathise with Shylock in this part of the story, because it would be devastating to lose your daughter.

Shylock victim or villain - Free Argumentation Essays For Students

His worry about material wealth makes me sympathise less with him. Solanio and Salerio taunt Shylock in Act 3 Scene 1 to make him feel worse than he is already. This scene makes him look the victim in my view. In this scene is a famous victim, linesby Shylock that portrays him as a mixed character, both a victim and a essay. Shylock uses argument straight out of the Christian church. Shylock uses the Christians arguments against them. The rest of the speech tries to make the Christians feel guilty, and I essay it makes him look the victim again.

I am a Jew. I believe this is a very clever way to try to get the shylock on his side. I think Hardee case study the use of prose in this speech makes Shylock appear more human than usual, which may also villain the victim think that he is a victim in all of this.

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If he felt happy and dominant over Salerio and Solanio, [URL] villain have used essay pentameters. The shylock that he uses prose might suggest that he victims inferior, and a victim.

He seems less noble in this part of the play than usual.