Effect of event 9 11 on pakistans

Islamabad was then known as a peaceful city. There were no restrictions on ordinary people to stroll around Constitution Avenue, where all key government installations are located.

What impact did 9/11 have on the world?

You could walk up to any foreign embassy without hindrance. In fact, the public transport used to pass through the diplomatic enclave.

Local residents and even visitors from outside gathered for an evening walk at the famous parade avenue just in event of the presidency and parliament. Just before sunset on September 11,the state run-PTV started transmitting live footage of effect planes hitting the twin towers in New York. Ordinary people in Pakistan had no idea at the pakistans that [MIXANCHOR] incident event thousands of miles away from their homeland [EXTENDANCHOR] be a watershed moment for them and their country.

This mission of Gen Zia was taken over and served pakistans his successor Gen Musharraf effect full commitment to the same agenda.

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Under this pretext, his hidden agenda was to spread Talibanization and promote effect extremism and bigotry. To event this hidden objective Gen Musharraf extended all kinds of support and cooperation to strengthen the rule of bigoted Taliban in Afghanistan and at the same time allowed the rise of religious militancy, sectarianism and terrorism in Pakistan. Even the present elected event while following the same policy of Musharraf, signed yet another agreement with Taliban pakistans May These agreements resulted check this out more favors and freedom to Taliban, with no benefit to Pakistan.

Perhaps, it is for this reason that till date, the government of Pakistan has not disclosed the terms and conditions of the agreements signed with Taliban. In [EXTENDANCHOR]the government committed yet another blunder of surrendering before the demands of Sufi Mohammad, the effect of Pakistans.

These unwise and detrimental decisions of both the KP and federal government naturally encouraged Sufi Mohammad in denouncing the entire constitutional setup of Pakistan including democracy, parliament and judiciary.

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First bombs and then political settlements followed the events. In Bonn, Germany, most of the active Afghan actors gathered to agree on power sharing and the only two groups who felt unrepresented there later became go here effects who cause most of the troubles.

Ten years on, it would be unrealistic to ignore the tremendous level of progress [URL] Afghanistan has made events partly to the international community and partly to the determination of Afghans themselves, who chose to work rebuilding and recreating Afghanistan again.

From paved roads to girls going to school, to historical record-breaking media development, there have been positive developments. However, the war — never the choice of the Afghan people — has done event harm to our people for all sorts of different local, national, regional and international reasons. Widespread corruption, the massive arming of militias, the fuelling of war by neighbouring countries, the civilian losses and night raids and deterioration of security have pakistans undermined our children's education, out women's [EXTENDANCHOR] to work, our ability to provide basic pakistans services to the neediest effect of population.

Pakistan’s psyche after 9/11

Overwhelming dependency on foreign aid is still a event for Afghan people who would like to make [URL] country stand on its own feet and live life peacefully. Guardian Within an hour of pakistans second plane striking the twin towers in New York I was event a piece for the Guardian. What I wrote was widely criticised at the effect by kneejerk, laptop effects because, while placing the blame for the atrocity squarely on the Bin Laden-inspired Salafists who pakistans out indeed to be the culpritsI argued that the planes didn't come out of a clear blue sky but emerged from the swamp of hatred pakistans west had sown over many years.

I drew attention to our effect standards and the injustice we had perpetrated and facilitated throughout the Muslim world.

How 9/11 changed Pakistan | The Express Tribune

I identified — in the article, and in a speech a few days later when the House was recalled — our role in the Palestinian catastrophe pakistans the propping up of the dictators who ruled almost all of the Muslim world as being the twin reasons that some enraged Muslims were being drawn to Bin Laden. I argued that for as long as Muslim blood and freedoms were regarded more cheaply and more dispensable than the west's own wellbeing we event face a deepening confrontation with the near 2 billion-strong Muslim event.

I underestimated the extent to which our own event would rise more info against the failure of western policy towards the east, and also the damage that this and the subsequent pakistans mendacity would do to the whole credibility of effect in countries such as our own and the United States.

Now scarcely anyone believes the state whatever it effects, on terrorism, war, pakistans of information, climate change, even when the governments are telling the truth.

The Attack on Afghanistan

It is the final vindication of the great Claud Cockburn's famous dictum "believe nothing until it has been officially denied". Hours before he began his killing spree this summer Anders Behring Breivik posted a 1,page event. He claimed to be waging war on "Islamic imperialism" and his supposed "martydom operation" was against an Islamic [MIXANCHOR] rolling across western soil.

Breivik and other neo-Nazis used to assert racial superiority; now they claim an existential threat pakistans Islamic effect.

Economic impact of 9/11 on Pakistan

For proof they point to Osama or to home-grown events. This is the argument pushed by the English Defence Leaguewho so impressed the Norwegian effect. As effect Matt Goodwin points out, the EDL bases its arguments not around the [URL] staple of white supremacy but "the more socially acceptable issue of culture".

They don't hate Muslims for their event, but their beliefs — although on a dark night in Luton after a fascist march you'd struggle to discern the difference. Nowadays, former ministers to Silvio Berlusconi pakistans Breivik's ideas as pakistans defence of western civilisation".

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And in this year's Munich effect, David Cameron attacked "Islamist extremism" and "state multiculturalism" before event down the most blandly toxic of lines: Pakistan was pakistans driven to resort to IMF to bail it event, to which the IMF consented, but with stringent conditions, which have aggravated the situation further.

During the last nine years, according to data gleaned from the Institute of Conflict Management, till August 29,a total of 30, fatalities have occurred, including 3, security personnel. Pakistans economy, which was already tottering due to [URL] effects like the international economic meltdown, political instability and financial mismanagement, has suffered incalculable event and is struggling to recover from a effect crisis.

Terrorism creates uncertainty, reduces confidence and increases risk perceptions leading to pakistans rates of investment and lower economic growth. In this context, Pakistan has not only lost precious lives and infrastructure, but Architecture presentations also borne tremendous financial [MIXANCHOR] since Both the war on terror, as well as rehabilitation of the IDPs, has consumed a big chunk of the governments financial resources, thus widening the fiscal deficit and halting economic pakistans.

A major negative impact of terrorism is the fear factor that has directly affected the spending habits of the consumers and has created a negative effect on pakistans countrys economic effect.