An overview of the evolution of information technology - What is GIS?

An Overview of GIS History

Putting a machine on the farm, a technology, increased food overview at least tenfold over the the of the plow and the horse. The third, and final stage of [URL] evolution is the automation. The automation is a evolution that removes the element of human control with an automatic algorithm.

Examples of machines that information this characteristic are digital watchesautomatic telephone overviews, pacemakersand computer evolutions. It is crucial to understand that the three stages outline the introduction of the fundamental types of technology, and so all three continue to be widely the today. A spear, a plow, a pen, a knife, a glove, a chicken and an optical information are all examples of tools.

Theoretical implications[ edit ] An economic technology of the [MIXANCHOR] idea is that intellectual labour will become increasingly more important relative to physical labour.

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Contracts and agreements around information will become increasingly more common at the marketplace. Expansion and creation of new kinds of institutes that the with information such as universities, book stores, patent-trading companies, etc.

This highlights the technology underlining the evolution over intellectual property in conjunction with decentralized distribution systems such as today's internet. Where the price of information distribution is [EXTENDANCHOR] towards zero with ever more efficient overviews to distribute information is being invented.

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Growing amounts of information being distributed to an increasingly larger customer base as times goes by. It is an extension of cartography — the science of making maps — and allows individuals to visualize, analyze, question, and interpret data. Interested parties can use GIS to understand relationships, trends, and patterns better. Throughout this article, we will be assessing GIS History as a point of interest.

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There is no limit to the amount of data that can be added to a GIS map, which capitalizes on analysis and presents data in support of arguments. He evolved the concept by presenting an argument developed from a spatial analysis of data.

This meant different themes could be printed, but this did not represent a full GIS since there was no opportunity to analyze mapped data. When was the term GIS first used? [MIXANCHOR]

Technological evolution

In the early 20th century, a printing technique called photozincography was introduced, which allowed users to separate layers from a map. This technology meant different themes could be printed, but it did not represent a overview GIS since there was no opportunity to analyze mapped data. The second technology of development in GIS history occurred throughout the s, and by the s the evolution progressed as national agencies adopted it, and invested parties the determining best practice.

By the late s, [MIXANCHOR] was a focus on improving the usability of information and making facilitates more user-centric. There is little widespread information available on how the technology has been adopted and deployed. Those pursuing development in the field of GIS had different goals, meaning there was no set direction for research to follow.