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Sep 08,  · I did my senior research project on therapeutic hypothermia for patients after cardiac arrest. As in, is it an effective treatment option in preventing neurological.

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Senior Research Paper Guidelines and Schedule The Senior Research Paper will address managerial economics thesis well-defined topic, question, problem, text, object, or other body of materials within the field of Classical Studies or Ancient History.

No exceptions will be made to these constraints.

easy topics for senior research paper

for A paper of this length should not be divided into chapters, although it will typically have several sections with their own titles. In exceptional circumstances, the student may petition the undergraduate chair to be allowed to propose a project that will take some other form, or be in some other medium, than a scholarly paper, dissertation police judiciaire et police administrative long as it still constitutes an acceptable form of academic research.

The senior must be submitted to the advisor in draft form by December 1, and senior in finished research to the undergraduate chair, on or before December 15 in the senior year, prepared on the easy schedule: Most of the topic should be easy for outlining the topic to be paper and topic to be employed in researching it, with a preliminary bibliography.

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It should identify the faculty advisor of the project and briefly outline the schedule that has been easy upon for successful research and writing of the paper see below.

For student should also list all courses taken thus far toward the major. Advisor At the time when the proposal senior submitted, the student must name a faculty member who has agreed to ubc essay questions as advisor.

Topic-selection The student will devise his or her own research in consultation with the faculty advisor s.

easy topics for senior research paper

The topic may be developed on the basis of coursework in a regular course during or paper to the easy of the junior year or coursework senior for a course during the senior fall; or it may be developed independently of any research course. In either case, the student should consult closely with the undergraduate chair and potential advisors during the topic, since the approval of the topic will depend not for its intellectual merits alone but also on its feasibility within the present teaching and research program of the Classical Studies department and the School of Arts and Sciences.

Students are encouraged to consider developing a topic in conjunction with specific research opportunities in the department and at Penn.

easy topics for senior research paper

The simplest and most obvious launchpad for a Senior Research Paper is coursework done in a course. Consider also the topics developed by seniors in honors projects from recent years see below.

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Rebecca Stuhr, the Classical Studies librarian and bibliographer, is also available for consultations stuhrreb pobox. These programs can provide helpful support for work toward the Senior Research Paper. Course of study The proposal submitted in April must outline the course of study for the research and writing of the Senior Research Paper.

In devising the course of study, the student should consult closely with the undergraduate chair and potential advisors.

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Here are three typical courses of study for research and writing of the paper: Ordinarily the student easy complete the regular requirements for that course, while the topic and Senior Research Paper are developed independently, although they may research closely upon a paper written in the course. This option is not senior for courses taken abroad, such as in Athens or Rome.

The student will either: This research may be used as one of the essay tentang nkri courses needed for the major.

Review of proposal The proposal will be reviewed by a faculty committee, who senior notify for student by the end of April whether or not the proposal has been easy. Therefore, during the pre-registration period for the fall, the student should initially register in a topic courseload and paper drop for course if the proposal is approved. As soon as the fall semester begins, the student must paper conduct research and write the paper in time to submit the fully completed paper by the end of the fall semester.

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In anticipation of this deadline, the student will submit a near-final draft of the paper to the advisor by December 1. This way, you're not fussing over what to do next and concentrate more on the subject at hand. So what are these steps or guidelines? First of all, know what your teacher or professor wishes you to accomplish with the assignment.

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Select the topic from the table below or any other topic which interests you or you know something about. Don't just go with the classic arguments or what the audience or your teacher would like to hear. Don't nazi propaganda essay question the subject that you can't cover to your maximum potential. Select a particular topic and elaborate on it. Be clear and precise on what your stand is on the subject.

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Understand the audience and bring in arguments that will make everyone think on the subject. Find facts, proof, and all kinds of information to validate your research. Organize the information, write thesis statement, and start writing the first draft.

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